


Nacido en Barcelona se dedica a difundir como profesor, el dibujo y la pintura entre los niños en la Educación Primaria. Gamboa se introduce en el mundo de las sensaciones y nos muestra su trabajo en esta web.

Un goteo continuo de gestos va inundando su pintura. Unas veces con tranquila suavidad y otras, las más, con agresivo colorido.

Óleo, acrílico y pigmentos se sobreponen a materiales naturales que de una forma constante aparecen en su obra. Las texturas que seducen al espectador y que parecen invitar a ser tocadas, nos hacen recorrer una forma muy personal de lo que el autor entiende de la naturaleza, los pensamientos y las emociones.

En estos últimos años la pintura de J.Gamboa ha ido evolucionado del abstracto informal a las líneas rectas y formas geométricas primarias como el rectángulo el cuadrado o el círculo sin abandonar nunca lo que para él es básico en su obra, la textura.









He was born 1964 in Barcelona.
His artistic activity began in 1999 creating some first works which were characterized for being made with sea sand, latex and even some concrete.These tree features give a big weight to his work. But the most relevant feature from this beginning until present was the study of the textures and geometry. His common colors in this origin were brown, black and very dark blue and green.
After this origin from 2004 to 2008 he changed dramatically introducing colors like electric blue, gold, silver, brilliant blue, and others with a lot of shades. Here there was a very drastic evolution to geometric structures and big formats. From this age the works are biggest and brightest, therefore they show a impressive first sight. Move is a feature in these works.
Finally the present pieces are carrying out a new evolution from their foundation because the wood base has been replaced by a light wood structure almost having a sculpture as result. From 2008 to the present JGamboa has made some new works with this new technique. Obviously the result is a group of pieces of small size but maintaining their textures and geometric subject. These pieces are almost able to flight and look like frail, though the reality is that due to the material and technique used the final result is hard and aggressive.
ing Art History